50+ Christmas Stocking Stuffers for Men

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Hi EVERYONE! Thanks for stopping by!

This is the original 50 Christmas Stocking Stuffers for Men, but I have taken everyone’s ideas and more and created this new post:


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Thanks, and enjoy!

Stocking Stuffers for Men:

  1. Cologne – samples work best because they are smaller and cheaper
  2. Soap – handmade beer or manly soap is nice
  3. Undies
  4. Socks
  5. chocolate or other candy
  6. chocolate covered bacon, pretzels, or other junk food items (beef jerky, canned cheese, etc)
  7. Bottle opener, bottle opener ring
  8. Beanie/knit hat
  9. Gloves
  10. Holiday ornament
  11. Key Chain
  12. Phone case
  13. Money clip
  14. Wallet
  15. A cheesy movie from the clearance bin (hello Chuck Norris)
  16. Mini Lego kits (like race cars, Lego men, key chains, etc.)
  17. Silly putty or other slimy substance
  18. Deck of cards or other card games (like Uno)
  19. Silly toys – parachute men, poppers, wind up animals, sticky hands, mini etch-a-sketch, silly string, etc.
  20. Shot glass
  21. Key covers (I bought tiki men key covers for my brother one year)
  22. Ear buds
  23. Mini bottles of booze
  24. Ties
  25. Cufflinks – if your guy wears them, there are some awesome ones on Etsy
  26. Manly bath or shave products or bath favorites- my brother really loves a certain brand of mint tea tree shampoo
  27. Pocket knife
  28. Mini tools or weapons – what male doesn’t love a Nerf gun?
  29. Batteries
  30. A book, graphic novel, or magazine
  31. $5 gift cards – one of my favorites, fast food or coffee works great
  32. Gum or mints
  33. Chapstick – my husband always steals mine or complains about chapped lips
  34. Hand or boot warmers – found some at Target, 2 for $1
  35. Hand or cuticle cream
  36. Computer decals
  37. Car air fresheners
  38. For the love of your life: Massage oil
  39. For the love of your life: sexy undies for you
  40. For the love of your life: Other bedroom goodies
  41. Special cigar
  42. Matches or lighter
  43. Coffee samples
  44. Patches, stickers, or pins of a sports team, band, or company, etc.
  45. Coffee cup or mug
  46. Nail clippers and tweezers
  47. Razors and other shaving accessories
  48. Boot or hat cleaning or weathering spray
  49. Pens or pencils
  50. Bandanas
  51. Mini specialty food items – mustard, hot sauce, nutella, etc. (Cost Plus World Market is a great source)

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255 thoughts on “50+ Christmas Stocking Stuffers for Men

  1. Pingback: 50+ Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Women « thelifeoflulubelle

  2. Super helpful! Thank you! My husband doesn’t really have many hobbies so yeah, it is quite difficult to do stocking stuffers, which is also one of my favorite parts of Christmas!

  3. Such great ideas! Ususally lists like this either don’t have anything my hubby would be interested in or are too expensive. I’ll be printing this out and using it for years to come!

  4. Such great ideas!! Thank you. I am so in love with your Blog because my family called me Lulu Belle all growing up as well!! It’s my SN for everything. Crazy 🙂

  5. Oh . . . another one! My husband and I don’t share computers well so we both have our own, including printers. I know, I know . . . spoiled. How about ink cartridges!!!

    • You’re not the only one. I REFUSE to share with my hubby. However, cartridges would be best put in MY stocking, not his, since I do more printing than he does. Here’s another idea: mini flashlights.

  6. thank you. thank you. thank you. i am also going to forward my husband the women’s version. stockings were my favorite part of Christmas cause I got to open it before everyone was up and fully present. My husband too needs a little help in this creative dept.

  7. If your ‘He’ is a fisherman, lures, hooks, fishing line, terminal tackle, hat light, etc., are all good additions too! And don’t forget a lottery ticket!

  8. Love this! My hubby decided years ago to only give stockings to each other, no big gifts so we could spend the money on the kids. We open them just the two of us on Christmas Eve with a bottle of Christmas wine after we put the kids to bed. This list is so helpful!! Thank you!!

  9. We always do random food items. Hot sauce, Easy Cheese (my brother now expects that in his stocking), pistachios, etc. One year, I went to the local asian market, and bought my brother a whole bunch of Japanese candy, including one called ‘Pocky for Men.’ He got a kick out of it. Also, my mom put a mini flashlight in my boyfriend’s stocking last year, and he still carries that around.

    • I don’t know why but all the men in my family have this thing about flashlights. And now they are really into the really bright LED flashlights. Those little things will blind you.

  10. Great list! I also give hand tools and small electronics (flashlights, adapters, etc.). Personal coupons also work really well – like chore-free days, getting to choose the movie, control of the remote, etc.

  11. love your list… My mum did stockings even as we were adults.. I’ve continued the tradition since i moved to the states with my kids and my husband who had to learn how to do my stocking too. We all sit on my bed and open our stockings together on christmas morning… love your ideas, so helpful.

  12. What a great list! Thank you sooooo much! My husband and I are filling stockings for each other, and he hates junk, so I want to get him some worthwhile things. I especially love the idea of little lego kits/lego men 🙂

  13. One of my top favs– scratch off lotto tickets! You can buy any amounts, and “Santa” always seems to leave some in my stocking too 🙂

  14. As children we always had an orange and a sampler box of Whitman chocolates in our Christmas stockings, which were knitted by our Mother. I’ve continued the tradition with my own family … 34 years and counting! Thanks for some great ideas to toss in the stockings!

      • i love this list….however, i have a husband who would probably only want maybe 2 or 3 of the things on the list…..like the coffee samples which i used to do, bu jack daniels stopped making their coffee. 😦 my hubby is a wood worker, any ideas on that hobby that would hopefully be inexpensive? any advice is a big help.

      • Nicole, any kind of small chisel, file, sandpaper, stain, brushes would be good. Small and simple hand tools that are basics in woodworking.

  15. Thank you for this excellent post. I like the bandannas idea especially.

    If I may add, I once got the advice that every guy appreciates the gift of shoelaces. A nice little thing you don’t think you need until you do.

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE THESE IDEAS!!! i am terrible at keeping secrets so i just looked over at my mr. wonderful and told him i was looking up stocking stuffers for him (lol!) and i said but im not telling you what beause that really will be a surprise… he then informed me bullets would be a great stocking stuffer. A little one the expensive side.. but if you have a hunter.. its always nice not to have to buy them yourself!

    • I put ammo in my hubby’s stocking last year. I was a great idea, but be warned – it REALLY weighs down the stocking. You either need a heavy duty stocking holder, or make it one of the only things you put in there. (or put it on top of the mantel next to the stocking) Hubby loved getting gun supplies, though! A compact gun cleaning kit was a big hit with him as well 🙂

      • My brother always loves shotgun shells. One year I took them out of the box and put them in a long flat box and added unpopped popcorn so he could not guess as the shells and popcorn rolled back and forth.

  17. I love all your ideas! Thank you so much! I have some of them for my husband’s stocking already, but there are so many more that I don’t have. I may have to get him a bigger stocking. My husband’s a hunter and I never thought of bullets. Also, going to crochet him a camo hat. Here are a few more ideas; eye glass case, eye glass cleaner & wipes, and a hand held game, At the Dollar Tree, I found a small santa bag that says, ” You’ve been naughty,” They also had crispy chocolates that are wrapped to look like coal, so I’m going to put these in the bag.

    • I love Dollar Tree! They have a little red bag that says COAL on it, and it has black gum in it. My 17 year old daughter got some for her brothers last year, and again this year. The boys LOVE it! Dollar Tree also has HUGE stockings! All my kids have one. (I have 4!) We buy the glitter glue pens and let them decorate them. My 16 year old has a girl friend this year, so I got her one and had her decorate it for my house as well. You can stuff all sorts of goodies in them! They are about 2 feet tall!

  18. Ice scraper if you live in a cold climate, gloves, Toblerone (great shape for stockings), and always a mini lint roller. We have a lab who sheds A LOT.

  19. Wow! Thanks for the fabulous list. I’m using several of your ideas this year. : ) I know this list was for the guy without hobbies, but my guy is a golfer, so I’ll add golf balls (you can get personalized ones for only a small additional cost!), ball markers, ball bark repairers, or those special brushes for cleaning clubs.

  20. Love your comment how your husband put all your gifts in your stocking the first year! My husband is the WORST gift giver…. (my first birthday with him he no joke, seriously wrapped that seen on tv hardening putty stuff and gave it to me thinking it was the greatest thing ever. I laughed and thought he was joking. I was left wondering if he just forgot and picked it up at a gas station between his place and mine at the time….Later I found out he put a lot of thought into it.) Anyways my first Christmas living with him he put all my gifts in my stocking… (a car charger for my phone and a few other random phone gadgets, a pretty little necklace, & a gigantic bag of candy to fill the stocking up to the tip top.) Needless to say now I do ALL the Christmas shopping and his only responsibility is to put together my stocking. He’s since gotten a smidge better… now I get things like coffee samples, little wines, candles… etc. And a small tip for other husbands who are bad gift givers… for things like birthdays & Mothers Day, I make a wish list on my husbands computer in his bookmarks called My wishes…. and i link to things i might like to get one day…. I tend to forget throughout the year, so when I get my gifts i’m super surprised and guaranteed to love it!

    • I feel your pain! My husband’s gotten better over the years but I’ll never forget when he got me some cheesy gift (I don’t remember what it was now, just remember thinking, really???) The reason I remember it is because of what he said when he gave it to me….”I WAS gonna get you a gift certificate to the spa”. No explanation WHY he changed his mind, just that that’s what he WAS gonna get me but decided I’d rather have some cheapy thing instead. Um, ya. LOL Men! But thankfully, he has gotten better!!!

  21. Amazing list! Lots of great ideas. The small one serving sizes of different kinds of coffee is a great idea too. My husband loves getting those.

  22. In Canada, lock de-icer is a ‘must have’ stocking stuffer! Also small clip-on compasses are fun for outdoors men. And snowmobile accessories or tape for hockey sticks, pucks, noise-makers for hockey/football game fans, wax for cross-country skis and skateboards.

  23. I’m laughing at how great this is and everyone adding extra ideas. I put something funny in the stockings for my boys and husband. Last year it was whoopee cushions. They had so much fun slipping those in places to surprise who ever sat on them. idk if someone mentioned handwarmers, socks, tire gauge, pack of their favorite microwave popcorn, gum. One year I got everyone MRE’s. I asked around and found someone who had a connection to the military. The guys loved those and sat in the middle of the rug, “cooking” their MRE;s.

  24. Living here in Wisconsin I think duct tape is a must. And you can get different colors, too. Kind of a gag gift which is still practical.

  25. I am also purchasing scratch off tickets for my husbands stocking! They have all kinds at all different prices! Who knows he might just win big! 🙂

  26. This year I bought both my sons and my hubby one of those tools for your car to use in an emergency. It has a sharp blade to cut through a seatbelt and a hammer device that you click and it breaks your window out in case of a fire or driving into a river or whatever. Now that we all have power windows, sometimes they don’t work in an accident and the doors get jammed. You can find them on Amazon:

    • They also have those same tools, but now they actually clip onto the seatbelt above your shoulder so they are always handy. You really can barely notice them but it’s a pretty awesome idea because honestly, if you can’t get out of your seatbelt, you probably will have a hard time getting to your glove box. 🙂

      • We keep ours in the little side pockets on the doors and have one on the drivers and passengers side so they are always accessible. The ones that clip on the seatbelt sound great though!

  27. Pingback: (Secret) Santa « Balance and Blueberries

    • That’s so funny you mentioned zip ties. My husband LOVES zip ties! It’s actually a family joke. He has them in about every size and color. That’s a great idea for his stocking!

  28. everyone that stays at our house christmas eve to christmas day gets a stocking grandparents to pets… we always get the scratch off lottery tickets those are a big fav!!! Along with the traditional choc covered cherries I also hit targets dollar spot and the online sites for unusual gifts. My fil is hard to get things for. I love to see his face though He hasnt had a christmas stocking since he was a kid so to see him open a christmas stocking brings joy to my heart.

  29. good start… now something he’ll really like:

    Jerky, ammo, mountain dew throwback, candy, pinup, bacon, canned bacon, tactical bacon, load straps, reloading components, fishing tackle, foot deodorizer, switch blade comb, fireworks…. happy holidays

  30. Last year I gave my oldest son one of those forks that has a meat thermometer in it. Now, our stockings are all very large. I, too, include lotto scratchoffs, gift cards to fast food restaurants, also gift cards for hair cuts go over well, gift cards for movies, and the $1.00 boxes of movie theater candy and bags of microwave popcorn, PEZ candy dispensers have always been a favorite of my kids, who are 31, 27 & 25. They still have theirs from when they were small. Batteries are always good, maybe with a battery charger for all their small electronics, rechargeables do at some point need to be replaced, bottle of Heet to add to the gas tank, if you don’t have a garage, travel mugs, golf balls, golf tees, golf towel, bowling towel, bowling rosin, gift cards for bowling, passes for golf, passes for water parks, tickets to football games, baseball games, concerts, booklets you make with coupons for getting out of doing chores, or other things like that, fancy hot chocolate, tea or coffee packets, small sausage logs, small cheeses, small packs of crackers, wireless mouse, those golf tee games that Cracker Barrel has at the tables, retro candies like Fizzies, Necco’s Charleston Chews, Good N Plentys, buttons on paper, rock candy. Ok, my brain hurts now, so I’m done. I have to find all this stuff and get it together now. Thanks for giving me a place to start my TO DO List.!

  31. Love this list! My Mom kept doing stockings for me, even after I had my own children. It was what I looked most forward to opening! Now, 2 of my 3 are grown and married, and I still do stockings, and even the son-in-laws look forward to getting theirs! I try not to do the same thing every year, so your list will be a great help! I happened to think of two things my son-in-laws love to get: car cleaning items and baseball/football cards. You can find these items at the Dollar Tree, or you can spend more if you wish. Thanks again!

  32. Pingback: ‘Tis the Season « Believing in Something

  33. I do stockings for my two 20-something sons, husband, ex-husband and grandson so I’m always looking for “men’s items”. They like special lotions, cologne, and shaving items. I often buy the gift boxes with several small samples and divide them between the stockings. Thanks for the ideas!

  34. Pingback: Gifts & Stocking Ideas by rustysurfer - Pearltrees

  35. I have just found this list, awesome, thank you! I am from Argentina (my husband is American) and we don’t have stockings so I have been thinking about this a lot. So far, I got him personalized M&Ms with his football team colors, a mini bottle of whisky, whisky stones (they replace ice), a shower gel that he likes and a shoe wallet as he is a runner. I am also planning to put a “gift card” for his favorite meal that I cook. Thanks so much!!!

  36. I give my husband a lump of coal every year. World Market sells a beer called lump of coal so I pick up a bottle of that. and whatever other seasonal beers they have. Last year they also had one called bad elf. I look forward to finding seasonal beers with weird names and he looks foreward to seeing what I find that year and his lump of coal.

  37. So thankful for all of the ideas that were posted…Ammo is a great stocking stuffer this year as I just bought my husband a Winchester…Also my son in law likes that sort of thing…Cashews are going in there as well..

  38. Great article and great additions in the comments. Boy, those lotto scratch-offs are popular! I’ll have to add them to my list. On my list also that is not on here is: those all-in-one tools, super glue (my husband uses it a lot), and magic cards (someone did say cards, which made me think of it).

  39. Great list, thanks for your post. Here a few items I didn’t see mentioned:
    Screwdrivers, hammers, drill bits, a variety of screws/nails

  40. Great enjoyment reading this. It was alluded to, but Cracker Barrel has lots of retro candies and snacks and some retro gifts. I usually get by there once while stocking shopping.

  41. Pingback: Tips & Tricks | Displaced Mama

  42. Now that everything (computers, toys, and most anything that requires a battery) is smaller my dear husband loves to swipe my small screwdriver set, so this year he’s getting one of his own. I like to find special candy that reminds him of his childhood. Magazine subscriptions might be a good stocking stuffer as well. Buy one and include a note that they’ll be receiving one throughout the year.

    • Last year I found that the magazine subscriptions (with a current issue of the magazine) went over VERY well for my sons-in-law!

  43. Altiods, mini-box asprin/tylenol, cough drops, contact lens sol’n, passport folder, keychain, NOSE TRIMMERS, Tie pins, gas card, pens, post-it notes, canadian tire money, i-tune card,
    money clip, updated fam pic for his wallet/desk, flask.

  44. Stockings are a big deal in our house because of my family’s traditions but they weren’t such a big deal in my husband’s. He always says he hate little things making it very hard to do a stocking. I can’t tell you how often I found the stuff in a bag months later. I finally solved the problem last year. It was all food. Not one complaint and I didn’t find it mindlessly put somewhere later. This is the first year in 38 years that I have honestly not sweated getting his stocking stuffers. I will use a few of the ideas, like the scratch off tickets, but it will be mostly food. It took him awhile to get the hang of doing mine but after making a list one year it helped him see outside the box and he’s done better ever since. I keep a wish list on Amazon too that I add things too and make sure he knows he can go look at it.

    • I do my own stocking as well as the kids’ and hubby’s. Hubby’s family didn’t have many holiday traditions, so he also didn’t see the point of nearly ANYTHING I implemented for Christmas. He still complains about all the work I do (and that I complain too much so why do I continue to do it?) but then loves Christmas morning and always thanks me for going to so much trouble. I tell the kids that Santa gave us the gifts in the stockings; I act surprised by what “Santa” (me) put in my stocking.

  45. Pingback: Laudable Linkage « Stray Thoughts

  46. Fantastic list and comments!
    For the hockey players, hockey tape is always great they sell novelty ones with flames, skull and cross bones etc. Deodorant balls to insert in shoes are fun. A small BBQ tip cookbook, a light that attaches to the BBQ. Baseball caps of a favorite team. I buy charity raffle tickets instead of lottery tickets. Guys love HEX bugs there is huge selection. Anything really it’s all for fun in the end!

  47. Pingback: Pinterest Project: Stocking Stuffers for Men

  48. At Dollar Store on advice from here, found Christmas candy labeled “Santa’s Sack”! After laughing for a while I snatched a few up for my similarly humored friends. Then I got a not too girly atomizer for my bf’s stocking- he flies for work; now he can stop losing expensive bottles of cologne to security! Got goody bags, for chocolate covered bacon I made the boys (another idea from here) and some character brand body wash. And hello, bungee cords!Lastly, I’m a nurse and he’s a martial artist, so I thought chemical ice packs, travel sized tylenol and ace wraps were great… when I came across superhero band aids I knew I made a great stop!
    This isn’t at the Dollar Store, but I haven’t seen it mentioned here- my bestie and I enjoy exchanging these cool printed tissue packs called Sniff- they have tons of designs: leopard print, camoflage, Hello Kitty, sports teams and even car logos like Ferrari and Porsche. We first got them at Cost Plus World Market, but now I see them everywhere. I buy my gifts year round, so when I see one that someone would like, I always pick it up. Everyone on your list can look cool and stylish instead of neurotic and sickly when carrying their own tissues. (speaking of neurotic and sickly, has anyone mentioned those little bottle of hand sanitizer? I personally believe in washing my hands the good old fashioned way, but these days you can get all sorts of scents and sizes of that stuff, so that might be a good idea)

    • A huge one in my family (Latina) is hot sauce.
      I got hubby one of those rice heat pads for your neck. He loves it. When my son (2) gets sick he brings it to me. That’s my que to baby him.

  49. With 3 sons and a husband, I thought I had put everything possible in their stockings – but I got some great new ideas here!! Don’t know if I saw a laundry/stain removal stick (they love those to keep in the car) breath mints,nail clippers, aloe gel,movie passes,lotion, digital meat thermometers (they are old enough to cook now:) Carmex,duck/goose calls, sunscreen,lanyards (for fishing and hunting),travel size everything, SD cards for phones and cameras,Powerball tickets, mini mag lights – just about anything/everything has made it into their stockings over the years! I think I’ll print out this whole thread!!

  50. Alway’s lost at what to do, thank you this really spells it. Simple but I could have never come up with those ideas!

  51. Pingback: Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas

  52. Pingback: Passover Wine Goblets &Easter Baskets for Preschoolers | thegrandparentsguide.com

  53. This is going to be so helpful this year.. Both the boyfriend and roommate are impossible to get stuffers for and both their stockings are the huge ones that you could probably put a small child into.. Last year was impossible they bothe got two big packs of socks and underwear just so I could fill space.

  54. I’ve also done the Lump of Coal beer. That stuff is pretty good! I like to do little things that are a joke. One year he kept locking his keys in his truck so when I failed to find him a slim jim (illegal these days), I bought the beef jerky slim jim instead. I also love to get fun little events or coupons from Groupon. This past winter was a brewery tour with free tasting and goodies. I also like to pick up liquor gift boxes that have a bottle and something like coasters or rocks glasses, then give just the gift part and toss the liquor in the cabinet.

  55. Been married to my husband 18 years. We are a blended family. Together we have 5 children. They are all married now. We have 8 grandchildren. I do stockings every year for ALL the family.You do the math.Our origional stockings just hang on the mantel. I now have special monogramed ones with everyones name on them ( they are also bigger). It is a fun “all year” project to gather items for each person. I leave them out of sight until all the presents are unwrapped. One year I forgot to get them out and our 35 year old son who is married with children asked, “Are we going to have stockings this year?” Guess they like them.

  56. Don’t forget the duct and electrical tape! And just for fun I wrap everything in the “plastic” paper and seal it with tape! Takes them a while to open it and you get a laugh!

  57. His favorite sports team goodies are also a hit! Notepads (my sweetie makes slot if to do lists), pens with the teams stats (I found one for UK that had their SEC wins and other facts on it every time you clicked it) car magnets, etc. this is a great list! I’ll definitely will utilize it this year!

  58. Great Ideas, We usually do chap stick but fun ones like bacon or one time he got our dd chicken poop… was too funny. Found it at the tractor supply store. Also I do match box cars for him. And fun items like pennies with our date on them. Concert tickets are a nice one too. Because you would never expect to get a gift like that in your stocking.

  59. We have a lump of coal tradition. I found Matchbox came out with plastic lumps of coal that fit a car in them around Christmas time. So every year my husband is only responsible for filling the lump of coal. He did great one year with a present from Tiffany. It doesn’t have to be something expensive, just creative. I put mini hot sauce in his, and lottery tickets of course. Now we have a lump of coal for our son too.

  60. Nice list and great comments! Did I miss seeing Trail Mix? Trader Joe’s has some good options. Also, my husband is a gardner so I’m thinking I might try some new tools, a kneeling pad, seed packs, sunscreen spray (better buy that now), and maybe a gift card to his favorite plant nursery.

  61. Last Christmas was my first official Christmas. (I was raised a different faith and never celebrated the holiday.) I was irrationally excited to receive and, more importantly, give a stocking. We decided to just give each other stockings last year, so the exchange was even more heightened. I found a lot of fun (and inexpensive) items at Half Priced Books that might make his long days at work more tolerable. (A little kit to build a “sinking ship”, a notepad filled with different “tickets” he could use to fine coworkers, etc.) For me, I wanted to keep the stocking fun and somewhat…well…immature. Everyone, afterall, is a kid at heart. And all kids (big or small) need some fun!

  62. I male stockings for my hubby, stepsons, their wives, our sons, and our grandsons. I search all year long to find unique and funny things to put things away for the stockings. I am notorious for putting a Pez dispenser in every year. It is pretty easy to find a new kind every year because they always make some with the latest and greatest movie or some other theme! Chapstick is always a must, but I always make sure they are the fun kind with various flavors. My oldest stepson loves Cherry Pepsi and they only thing I could find was lipgloss with a wand. Y suggestion was to allow his wife to use it so he could enjoy the flavor that way. His response was “Heck no! I will use it just like this!”. That was a fun memory. I also put in those Jelly Belly that had mixed up flavors that were either the good flavor or utterly disgusting flavors. We actually pulled them out and played a game with them. Another great memory. The guys always get something in their having to do with coal or being naughty. It takes a lot of time to wrap them individually, but it is so worth it! The memories created are worth the time, effort, and cost!

  63. I always put in things for his car like car air fresheners and a bottle of car wash/wax for my husband. And the little mini cheeses in wax. Also an orange, it’s a family tradition that I’ve kept going.

    • These are some great ideas. My family celebrates St.Nicholas on Decemeber 6, so we get our stockings that morning. I have carried on the tradition with my own familiy (even the dog). I am always looking for some good ideas for my husband!

  64. with my 3 boys and a husband, beef jerky is the first thing they look for in their stockings, second is always their new toothbrushes. Last yr I put baseball cap clip lights, they where a big hit. (my husband uses his for hunting, the oldest boys runs before daylight, the middle one uses his to work on his cars and the youngest well, he says he uses it, just not sure what for, even bought one for myself, hunting with the hubs). again last yr I spent way to much time trying to find toys from the boys childhood, as they are getting older toys are a thing of the past. The oldest got a small power ranger, the middle got match box cars and the youngest got poke’mon card. The boys thought that was great and wanted to see what the others got in their stocking. A couple of yrs back I was on the last minute shopping trip to Wal Mart forgot stuff for stockings. I bought all the kids (my 3, husbands 2 plus 2 spouses) these cheap little toys from the stockings stuffing area, each toy came with 2 balls and 2 things that popped the ball and then you had to catch the ball in the popper thing (no idea what it was called) but when they all started a game with them it got moved outside, after 5 yrs of having Christmas together as a family this was the first yr they where all laughing and playing together. so my lesson was and is it doesn’t matter how much you spend because all total I spent less then $10 on those popper things and that was the best fun ever and actually brought the kids closer together.

  65. Forgot about this until recently…it sounds strange, but it’s something men probably don’t want to buy for themselves – my dad is big into fishing, and he using nailpolish as paint for fly tying. When I was little and didn’t have a lot of money, I always bought him cool glittery nailpolish, and he would actually get really excited! For fishermen, it’d be a good thing to toss in the stocking, as weird as it sounds! That way, they don’t have to be embarassed buying it!

  66. The Christmas after I got married, my mom did all of our stockings as cleaning and household supplies. It was awesome. We all got aluminum foil, cling wrap, ziplop baggies, bathroom cleaner, trashbags, windex, toilet paper, paper towels, Orange cleaner, laundry detergent. Best Christmas ever!

  67. I put a package or two of baseball cards in my grown son’s stocking, he enjoyed them as a kid and still enjoys them now!

  68. My hubbs is a geek so: ear phones, novelty items like batman shaped ice trays, I’ve rolled up a comic book before and put it in there. small wooden boxes that contain sword cleaning kits for his swords. CANDY – oh man he loves chocolate. Love the mini flashlight idea. Mini tool kit, or mini glasses repair kit. Last year I did a mini sew kit in dark blue (he is always loosing buttons and he will follow me around until i get him the sewing kit is or just do it myself, now he has his own!) Beef Jerky is another MUST. Those mini lego kits. USB’s, CD’s and memory cards. I’ve done a wallet before, and a key lanyard. He has a scentsy pot in his game room and I get him a few of the “manly” scents (plus the blackberry vanilla one, he loves that one, says it smells like me :P). This year i’m going with a small first aid kit so he can keep it in his car. Anything novelty in their favorite theme (sports, movies, music, games) will be a big hit, even if it isn’t something they can use, it’s Christmas after all! DvD’s, and music. Prank items are always fun. Those “pocket puzzles” from japan. I got a microbe plushie before, and it would be great for the science nerd in your life too! Collabsible shot glasses and flasks would be nice if he drinks. I’ve seen bacon salt, and bacon bandaids given too!

    • This list is great….and with a hubby and 3 grown sons who all love their Christmas stockings, I have some new ideas now! I might add to the list — razor blades and flashdrives.

    • I’ve really enjoyed reading this list and all the comments.
      I come from a big family with 9 children, so stockings were always a challenge for Mom. As we all got older, married and started families, we decided it was too much for my Mom, so each of us girls took a category and bought that item. We used categories such as Toys (those small, wind-ups were a hit), Technology (Hex bugs or I-Tunes giftcards are great!) Grooming (toothbrushes, small. manicure sets, etc.) Food, Kitchen, Car etc. That way my Mom was only left with getting Candy and Oranges. We always tried to outdo each other for the “wow factor” (originality and low cost).
      My husband & I also exchange private stockings at home that contain items that would be appropriate for sweethearts instead of people married 36 years. It’s one of my favorite parts of Christmas!

  69. I have always hated doing stocking stuffers mainly because I hate to shop, especically for other people. It literally makes my brain hurt just trying to come up with ideas. This is why Christmas is my least favorite holiday, soooo stressful. I love the meaning of Christmas but I am NOT a shopper. However, I have turned to the internet for shopping ideas to try to make my life easier at Christmas time. This is the first year I have been excited about the holidays. Great ideas!!! I already have my list made out and am ready to shop because I know what I am going after and I can get in and get out. Thank you!!… The lotto cards are my favorite idea. My family will Love, Love, Love them.

  70. my husband like camping/safety stuff, so flashlights, glow-sticks, matches, a poncho, things for an emergency kit for the car like the hand warmers or a mini-first aid kit….LOVE this list, though! it really covers SO much! thank you!

  71. GREAT list! I think any travel sized items are good…even travel games fit nicely…I always do an apple or an orange..fills out the toe and I always got one!

  72. you can also do golf balls/tees, golf towel etc. if the man/men in your life like to golf. My hubby happens to love all things sports so I always find something related to his fave sports team!

  73. This list is so helpful! I’m always frantically running around trying to find little things that aren’t a total waste of money, stuff my fiancé will actually use or enjoy. You should make a list for what ladies want in their stockings so I can give it to my fiancé, he’s clueless when it comes to gift giving lol. Thanks for the help, definitely using a bunch of these ideas this year.

  74. My future brother-in-law loves music and plays the guitar so i always get him guitar picks!! Compact and you can never have enough!

  75. Just found this site and loved reading all the ideas. I too, love the stocking search and I have started looking for gifts for 2012. The one thing that I always include and really have to search for are little plastic toys or animals that poop jelly beans. I started this when my children were small (they are now 32, 30 and 25) they can hardly wait to see what I have found each year. It is getting more difficult every year to find something different so if anyone has seen something unique in this area please pass it on. Happy stocking stuffer hunting!!!!

  76. I have 5 sons, so coming up with creative stocking stuffers has been a challenge each year. I have done car care products for the son who had just purchased a new car, including, car wash, wax, bucket, sponge, Armour All, air freshner, window wipes, etc… The teenagers each get their favorite bath products and deodorant, etc…. One son had just moved out and into an apartment, so he got kitchen gadgets that you use but a young guy wouldn’t think to buy. They always get toothbrushes/paste, lint roller, chap stick, floss, gum, mints, breath spray, comb or brush, and every few years a new manicure kit. Another son needed an oil change so he got the needed items so he could do it himself. The oldest son is a carpenter, so he got carpenter pencils, small level, sanding blocks, etc… Last year I got the teens cell chargers that mount on the dash, to discourage fumbling for the phone when it rings, and to encourage them to remember not to use the phone while driving. I pick things up all year in clearance bins… I love Dollar Tree for buying stocking stuffers. I try and think where each one is in life and get things accordingly. I now have 2 daughters-in-law and 3 g’kids, one is a girl, and it’s fun looking for girl stocking stuffers for a change!
    It’s fun to be creative!

  77. My husband would not be happy with Legos in his stocking- we spend a lot of time picking up and reminding 3 boys to pick up Legos. And I don’t agree with giving people stuff that winds up as “junk” or “trash.” my husband was ecstatic with cheese in a can- because I would never allow him to eat that crap. And his $5.75 bottle of whiskey was much appreciated while we had 13 family members in for the holidays. Cute ideas- but not practical or functional. Men deserve better than Legos and crap they don’t want.

    • if you have nothing nice to say, do not say anything at all – isn’t that the saying? pretty wise I think. it is easy to criticize others work, isn’t it?

    • Haha – Except my husband loves legos. Everyone is different and likes different things; my husband hates canned cheese, for example. You shouldn’t give someone things they don’t like, but these are IDEAS. Thanks for sharing.

    • Your husband is your partner not your child. What do you mean, you “would never allow him to eat that crap?” You sound like you are a bit of a control freak. Word to the wise – you should treat your husband with the respect he deserves, otherwise, he will find it elsewhere.

  78. I always get an apple and an orange in my stocking from my mum. She also puts in one of each coin: £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 1p; usually ones minted in the year. A couple of years ago I decided to do stockings for my parents and boyfriend. My bf hates how I wrap up presents and put ribbons around them all as he is too impatient to unwrap them so I go to extra trouble to wrap up his stocking items and put extra tape around! Car air fresheners go down well and chocolate of some sort and mini size bath/shower stuff.

  79. If anyone is looking for wholesale phone cases definitely look at Empirecase.com. They have cases, pouches, chargers, headphones & more for all phone models!!

  80. Thank you! Ty! Ty! This has been great! Lots of great comments, too! Someone had already suggested guitar strings and picks which I had thought of. Another one would be zipper pulls for Hoodies, backpacks and what-have-you.

  81. My husband works at auto zone and he always tells me how the small stuff up by the counters make great gifts for men. They have cheap well working l.e.d. flash lights. We always get the men in the family one. They love them. And are good if the power ever goes out.

  82. My ex-MIL always wrapped up cans of silly string. Each person got a can and as soon as presents were unwrapped we had war. Very fun and actually cleaned up really quickly.

    • My wife always gets me a themed calendar of my favorite sitcom. Every day has a different quote. I keep it at work and read it everyday and get a laugh.

  83. So great! Thanks for the great ideas; I’d add (just to help others) getting his favorite magazine (Golf, MAC, etc), lottery scratchers, small trial of shower gels/men’s hair gels…..

  84. Great list!

    We always put some sort of puzzle book in stockings – sudoku, crossword, boggle etc. And usually some type of collector cards (hockey, baseball etc.).

    Also, growing up I always wondered why there was an orange in my stocking. Every. Year. Now that I’m the stocking stuffer I know (plus my mom told me 🙂 – it’ helps hold the stocking open, especially if they a crocheted/knit!

  85. I actually gave both my sons nerf guns last Christmas…I thought it might be cheesy since they were 25 and 21 at the time. However, that was the most played with item they received…and they wouldn’t let up Christmas morning! It was fun.

  86. I am a newlywed so even though we were together last Christmas this will be the first one as husband and wife. He was raised in a family that didn’t celebrate holidays with gifts…last year I filled both our stockings and the kids but he took my kids to buy me something. Maybe this year he will attempt the stocking…my fingers are crossed.

  87. To add a little personal touch, I like to make things like paracord survival bracelets, homemade ornaments, ear warmers, watch caps or neck gaiters, homemade canned salsa, homemade vanilla extract, etc. Good ideas floating around here. Thanks to all for sharing.

  88. This might be a overwhelming task, but it would be great to have another list printed from all the suggestions that have been added! I always fill stockings for my (grown) kids and their spouses, boyfriend/girlfriend, my Mom and whoever else may be joining us for Christmas morning.. Everyone tells me it is their favorite part of the day!
    Thanks for starting this great thread!

  89. Also, for handgun enthusiasts: compact ear muffs (or ear plugs), targets, extra magazine clips (semi-auto), ammunition organizers, staple gun, gun cleaning supplies….

    • See my earlier post for more ideas for mechanics… but some include, GoJo, car wash and wax, shop rags, sponges, air fresheners, Armour All, Tire Brite, various tools… I usually cruise the auto aisle at Walmart and Auto Zone or your local auto parts shops for small, inexpensive items. Some items are hits and some I get quizical looks, but everything is appreciated.

  90. Thanks for the great ideas! I never know what to put in my husband’s and teenage son’s stockings. I did think of something I was going to put in this time (just for fun), but some scratch off lottery tickets. I don’t buy them normally but it’s a surprise within a surprise!

  91. I didn’t have time to read all of the comments, but did anyone suggest fishing lures? I stick a couple in my husband’s and son’s stockings each year. When my son was little he was excited to add to his tackle box, now that he is older he is starting to replace some that have gotten a lot of use.

  92. Pingback: Favorite Links November 6, 2012 | Just Becky

  93. Wow! This is the answer to my quest for good stocking stuffers! I’ve never been as good as my husband is at this one. He tends to put slightly more expensive items in my stocking, and my mother always filled our stockings with fun, inexpensive items. I always felt like I had to compete with my husband, and this made me feel pressured to do a better job shopping. Maybe he won’t be disappointed this year with all of these great ideas! Thanks!

  94. A few additional ideas as well.. For cooks you could include cookie cutters sprinkles, and recipe cards. For a business man who could include a computer mouse (best buy sells sports team ones but they aren’t cheap), a calculator, business card holder, mouse pad, paperweight, and luggage tags. Other items could be gardening gloves, seed packets, tennis balls, a baseball, bookmark, handkerchief, a tie, pedometer, exercise bands, electronic travel games, lighted book magnifier, and window or leather cleaning wipes.. Hope this helps!

  95. Pingback: PinLaVie... Make your pins come true – 50+ Christmas Stocking Stuffers for Men

  96. Thought of two other things to add to the list: I always wake up well before my boyfriend so this year he’s getting a cold beer in his stocking to drink while opening gifts (wrapped in a towel so the condensation doesn’t ruin the stocking).
    Also, my guy likes to splurge occasionally with a shave from the local barber shop, so he’s getting gift cards for a shave

  97. Camping stuff is great too! I bought a marshmallow cooker that is a fishing rod to turn it from cabellas. Also BBQ lighters, you can buy ones shaped like a rifle and you pull the trigger for the flame from drugstores or gas station.

  98. Don’t know if it was listed because I didn’t read through all the posts, but how about a USB flash drive? Small, compact and useful.

  99. Pingback: » stocking stuffers for nerds

  100. Pingback: Stocking Stuffers this year « TeresaBellaMaria

  101. Pingback: Desperation time? « Auntie Kate The Resale Expert

  102. Thank you so much for all of the ideas! My mom was always the family stocking stuffer but she died earlier this year and I’m going to be picking up the slack. I’m feeling way better about it now 🙂 THANK YOU!!

    • Sorry to hear about your mother, but glad I could be of some help. Did you see the link for the updated list with about 100 ideas? It’s linked in the blog and on the right hand side of the page. Best wishes 🙂

  103. Pingback: Rebuild Money Clips For Men Target | moneyargent.com

  104. As a 23 year old male, I can attest that most men would enjoy every single one of these items. This is a great list for moms who have no idea what to get their sons.

  105. Hard to think of anything left out but I have a few more to offer. My hubby is a grillmaster and there are whole new lines of spices for grilling – some name brand like Emeril – or you can fall back on good old Hickory Smoked Salt, also hickory chips. He collects knives and is always looking for good knife sharpeners. Because he is a field engineer, we keep a stocked “care kit” in his vehicle which needs replenishing with travel size hand sanitizer, hand lotion, tissues, bandaids, tylenol, breath mints, lint rollers, etc. You can spark it beyond the mundane by looking for goofy, childlike, or seasonal packaging. Other ideas I haven’t seen are shoe polish, buffing cloths, and shoe insoles. Also check out large chain bookstores; they have cute little boxes of puzzles or stress relievers or you-name-it you might find appropriate, plus little books, bookmarks, calendars, and specialty magazines you can’t find anywhere else. I also look for black lab magnets, decals, signs each year, since we have 2 black labs and he dotes on them. I have also looked for lobster or lighthouse items, both things that have special meaning to us. How about a small picture frame complete with photo of you, the two of you, or the family? I once cross-stitched a heart, put it in an ornament frame, and hung it on a long ribbon, and it hangs around the mirror in his truck.

    For more ideas, pick your spot and browse – Bass Pro Shop, Home Depot/Lowes, auto parts store, a book store, electronics store, Bed Bath and Beyond (has a ton of things you never thought of).

    Would like to address the women whose husbands can’t seem to do a good job of filling stockings for them: My husband is fabulous. He didn’t need any coaching but yours might. Mine buys lipsticks, eye shadows, and nail polish (and no, brand and cost doesn’t matter much to me, and if the colors are a bit off, I just try mixing them with others, and he stays away from foundations, eyeliners and other things I’m apt to be more picky about), small bottles of cologne, lip glosses for chapped lips, little angel figurines or ornaments, candles, a kitchen utensil (rubber spatulas or wooden/plastic mixing spoons are good), chocolate esp the mint varieties available around Christmas, and he’ll almost always put in a rolled up pair of sexy underwear (which he loves to buy). Many useful things can be gathered on a run through a dollar store, the others are available in chain drug stores. Once he bought some fun costume jewelry that I love to wear occasionally. Caveat: If you’re picky about your cosmetics, jewelry, etc., don’t even suggest these things to him.

    Have fun!

  106. Pingback: Do you wrap stocking fillers? – UsuGiftshop

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