DIY Citrus Gifts

While citrus may not be viewed as something “Christmas-y” (though, some people do put oranges in stockings),  it’s in season and there is so much you can do with this pretty fruit. From cleaning supplies to seasonings, there are lot of DIY gift potential.

diy body and home citrus gifts

DIY Edible Citrus Gifts

Tutorial links after the jump!

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100+ Stocking Stuffer, Easter Basket, and Gift Bag Ideas for Men

Welcome! Hopefully after reading this post and all the comments you will have a better idea as to what to get that guy in your life, whether it be your son, brother, husband, or dad! And honestly, this list can be great for any hard-to-shop for person! Many of these ideas are gender-neutral and will work just as well for the mother, sister, cousin, or wife in your life ;

This is a revamp of my previous post, 50+ Stocking Stuffers for Men. So many people left such great comments and ideas that I thought I would condense them all here so they are easier to read through. There are still some great traditions in the comments if you want to have more ideas.

These small gift ideas are perfect for stocking stuffers, but also for Easter baskets and gift bags too. Most of the ideas on here range from $1-$10.

Looking for Ideas for the Kids? Click HERE!

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18 Days Until Christmas: A Gift for the Toddler

I’m becoming kind of a toy snob. I searched around quite a bit for an appropriate and safe toy for my adorable Godchild, Addison, who will be just shy of 1 years old come Christmas. I wanted to stay away from plastic and be as earth and baby friendly as possible.

I came across Dandelion’s Organic, Little House Shape Sorter.

Although I am not a huge fan of pastels, and I think that if they went with bright colors this could be better suited for both genders, I think this will be a great gift for Addison.

  • She can safely put any of these pieces into her mouth (which she does with everything anyways)
  • Machine washable
  • Different shapes for learning
  • and each shape has a unique property that should entertain her as well

Dandelion House Shape Sorter about to get wrapped for my Godchild!

You can purchase this toy from Dandelion’s site . I bought mine from Amazon.

50+ Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Women

Welcome! If you are a male, looking for gift ideas for the lady in your life, I hope this helps! And no matter what gifts you buy or make, WRAP THEM. It doesn’t have to be perfect and beautiful, but the extra effort really makes a difference! Think about what she likes to do in her free time, items she uses often, etc.

Ladies, any more ideas? Please share! Like I mentioned before, I love stocking gifts! It seems like it’s easier to do stockings for females because all that girly stuff is small and fits in the sock. Plus, guys are always harder to shop for; anyone else with me on that?

Stocking Stuffers for Women of almost all ages. To view stocking stuffers for men, click HERE.

Stocking Stuffers:

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50+ Christmas Stocking Stuffers for Men

Looking for Ideas for the Kids? Click HERE!
Hi EVERYONE! Thanks for stopping by!

This is the original 50 Christmas Stocking Stuffers for Men, but I have taken everyone’s ideas and more and created this new post:


If you are still getting a spam warning from Pinterest, please let me know (and if you can, leave the link of the pin). 

Thanks, and enjoy!

Stocking Stuffers for Men:

  1. Cologne – samples work best because they are smaller and cheaper
  2. Soap – handmade beer or manly soap is nice
  3. Undies
  4. Socks
  5. chocolate or other candy
  6. chocolate covered bacon, pretzels, or other junk food items (beef jerky, canned cheese, etc)
  7. Bottle opener, bottle opener ring
  8. Beanie/knit hat
  9. Gloves
  10. Holiday ornament
  11. Key Chain
  12. Phone case
  13. Money clip
  14. Wallet
  15. A cheesy movie from the clearance bin (hello Chuck Norris)
  16. Mini Lego kits (like race cars, Lego men, key chains, etc.)
  17. Silly putty or other slimy substance
  18. Deck of cards or other card games (like Uno)
  19. Silly toys – parachute men, poppers, wind up animals, sticky hands, mini etch-a-sketch, silly string, etc.
  20. Shot glass
  21. Key covers (I bought tiki men key covers for my brother one year)
  22. Ear buds
  23. Mini bottles of booze
  24. Ties
  25. Cufflinks – if your guy wears them, there are some awesome ones on Etsy
  26. Manly bath or shave products or bath favorites- my brother really loves a certain brand of mint tea tree shampoo
  27. Pocket knife
  28. Mini tools or weapons – what male doesn’t love a Nerf gun?
  29. Batteries
  30. A book, graphic novel, or magazine
  31. $5 gift cards – one of my favorites, fast food or coffee works great
  32. Gum or mints
  33. Chapstick – my husband always steals mine or complains about chapped lips
  34. Hand or boot warmers – found some at Target, 2 for $1
  35. Hand or cuticle cream
  36. Computer decals
  37. Car air fresheners
  38. For the love of your life: Massage oil
  39. For the love of your life: sexy undies for you
  40. For the love of your life: Other bedroom goodies
  41. Special cigar
  42. Matches or lighter
  43. Coffee samples
  44. Patches, stickers, or pins of a sports team, band, or company, etc.
  45. Coffee cup or mug
  46. Nail clippers and tweezers
  47. Razors and other shaving accessories
  48. Boot or hat cleaning or weathering spray
  49. Pens or pencils
  50. Bandanas
  51. Mini specialty food items – mustard, hot sauce, nutella, etc. (Cost Plus World Market is a great source)

*This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase items from the site, I earn a small percentage.

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White Elephant Gag Gifts